Friday, October 1, 2010

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

Actually, I meant to say favorite shows, but Rogers and Hammerstein did not write a song about favorite television programming, so let’s improvise!  There are a handful of shows that I insist upon watching the night they air.  I look forward to the show every week, and love to talk about them with my friends. 

Drum roll, please.

Although I love the housewives, I just don't love
 it enough to put it in the top five
Honorable mention:  Desperate Housewives, The Middle, Cougar Town, and The Big Bang Theory.  I absolutely love each of these shows, but I’m just not as obsessed with them as the top five.  Don’t get me wrong, I would be devastated if any of these shows were to be cancelled (and I fear Housewives may soon be on ABC’s chopping block), but I’m just not as dedicated to them as I am to the top shows, and I may let them stack up for two or three weeks in the DVR before I get to them.

5th favorite show:  The Good Wife  (Tuesday at 9 on CBS)—I am so happy that some of my favorite ER actors are finding work these days. Carrie Weaver has a gig on NBC, Abbie Lockhart is now a lawyer on ABC, Clooney is…well, he’s still hot, and  Julianna Margulies (a.k.a. Carol Hathaway) plays Alicia Florreck, The Good Wife.  The show began with Alicia standing by her man, played by Chris Noth (a.k.a. Mr. Big), as he fesses up to embezzlement and an affair.  He goes to jail, she goes to work.  The show is basically about life and how people deal with the big issues that life throws our way.  It’s a really good show.  There is always an interesting lawyer case, and Alicia, who had been a stay-at-home mom for more than a decade, is showing off her mad lawyer skillzzz.  Highly recommend it.

4th favorite show:  How I Met Your Mother (Monday at 7 on CBS)—This show is legen-wait for it-dary! I truly feel like I am friends with Ted, Robin, Marshall, Lilly and Barney.  I want to hang out with them, and knowing that I will see them at the end of the day makes Mondays bearable.  I must say, I’m anxious to see how Ted actually does meet the mother, but I’m content to hang out with the gang for now. Suit up!

3rd favorite show:  Modern Family (Wednesday at 8 on ABC)—This show is absolutely hysterical.  I love every character, even the kids.  I love the story line.  I love everything about this show!!!  I find myself belly-laughing several times in every show.  In its second season, the show is off to a great start, snagging several Primetime Emmys just before Premier Week. If you don’t watch this show, you’re missing out. 

2nd and 1st favorite shows: Call me spineless, a wimp, a pushover, whatever you want to say, but I just cannot pick a favorite between these two.  I love the drama, but I love the music, I love the story, but I love the comedy, I love the medicine, but I love the high school drama.  It’s comparing apples to oranges, and I simply will not choose a favorite between these two shows.  The winner of my favorite show is a tie between Glee and Grey’s Anatomy.  They both get first place!

Sue Sylvester is my favorite character.
Glee (Tuesday at 7 on FOX)—In a word, brilliant.  This show is so well done, and so well thought out.  Glee combines a perfect mix of great music, dancing, story line, and high school angst.  The characters are well developed, we like the people, and we are cheering for the glee club kids to gain acceptance into high school life.  Like most of America, Sue Sylvester ("I'm gonna make it a habit to not stop and talk to students because this has been a colossal waste of my time") is my favorite character, followed closely by Kurt ("I'm so depressed I've worn the same outfit twice this week"), followed by Brittany ("I don't brush my teeth. I rinse my mouth out with soda after I eat. I was pretty sure Dr Pepper was a dentist").

This season, the show debuts a new football coach…a lady football coach, which should add another level of comedy ("Female football coach, like a male nurse? Sin against nature"—Sue Sylvester).  After all the hype, I had high expectations for the Brittany Spears episode, but was a little disappointed.  I wanted to see more Brittany! But maybe there was a reason for this, as Sue Sylvester so wisely pointed out, “Don't let your own recklessness blind you to the fact that Britney Spears is a genius pop culture provocateur and a gateway drug to every out of control impulse ever created.

Glee is my favorite show and I can’t wait for Tuesday to get here!  

Although I miss Dr. George O'Malley, Grey's is still my fave!
Grey’s Anatomy (Thursday at 8 on ABC)—Wait a second, Grey’s is my favorite show!  Again, I can’t decide.

For those of you fair weather wimps who couldn’t stick it out through the Grey’s dry spell, Grey’s is back and it’s awesome!  I must admit, I was growing a bit frustrated in the last seasons.  The stories seemed to drag a bit, and I may have let an episode or two slide, waiting until Friday to watch.  I’m still a little blue about the death of Dr. George O’Malley. 

HOWEVER, last season’s finale was two hours of edge-of-your-seat drama and creativity.  I’m sure everyone knows by now—and if I’m telling you something before the show, then you need to keep up better—but several of the Mercy West folks were shot on last season’s finale.  Derrick and Alex both got shot, but they’re okay now.  For about two hours, I really thought we had seen the end of Alex.  The show is brilliant, and the seventh season is off to a great start so far. I am, however, disgusted at ABC for not allowing the season premier to be two hours long.  What's up with that, ABC??

If you have drifted away from Grey’s it’s time to drift back.  Do it for George.

So those are my favorite shows.  I also like rain drops on roses, whiskers on kittens, brown paper packages tied up with string...

And now you will be singing show tunes for the rest of the day.