Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Thoughts…

 If anyone cares to read my thoughts…

The best show on t.v. is…..your favorite!  Who am I to say that Grey’s Anatomy or Glee is the best on the tube this year?  I’m not.  I’m just a huge fan of television shows, and I probably need to find another hobby.  But I love television shows and love to talk about them.  So for the 10 readers of this blog, I want to share my thoughts of the new television shows that occupy my DVR.

Back in September (and yes, it has been more than a MONTH since my last post.  Apologies to all 10 of you), I made my picks and predictions for new shows that I would bring into my life.  I have FINALLY made it through all of them and have made my decisions.  Here they are by night and time (all times Central).


The Event (8 p.m. on NBC).  As much as I had hoped for Dr. Carrie Weaver (Laura Innes) to come back to my television, I really didn’t like this show.  It has a great cast, and the concept is interesting, but in the first two episodes, there wasn’t a big enough hook to keep me.  Plus, everything was so confusing.  It would have been more helpful to have a great revelation to clue us in on what was happening, and then feed us little tidbits each week to help us figure it out.  I know it has something to do with aliens and a plane that mysteriously disappears from the sky and crashes in the desert, but that’s about all I could figure out.

Mike & Molly (8:30 p.m. on CBS).  It’s adorable.  It’s funny.  It’s cute.  It’s sweet.  It’s going to have to significantly decrease the fat jokes, or it’s going to lose me.  I am cheering for this little show, because it has the potential to be good, but it is starting to seem like vast majority of the jokes are making fun of Mike because he is a large dude; the rest of the jokes are Molly making fun of herself and her size.  I don’t get offended by fat jokes, but there really should be some more humor other than that…otherwise I think this show may get cancelled.  For now I still like it, but I have let several episodes linger on the DVR, which sometimes isn’t a good sign.

Hawaii Five-O (9 p.m. on CBS).  Yes!  Love it!!  Great show, great actors (and attractive, I might add), great story line, great action, and GREAT shots of Hawaii.  The only thing I don’t like about this show is that it really makes me want to take another vacation to Hawaii, which is not in the budget.  I did not have high expectations for this show, but I must say, it by far exceeded what I thought I would see.

Chase (9 p.m. on NBC).  This is a good show. I liked the show, but it wasn’t a show for me.  As stated in previous posts, I’m not a big cop show person.  A few shows had to give, so I “chased” it off my DVR (hahaha!).  If you like cop shows, however, this one might interest you.


Raising Hope is the funniest show on television.
Raising Hope (8 p.m. on FOX).  Oh how I LOVE LOVE LOVE this show.  In one week, it catapulted into the coveted Number 3 place in my top five shows.  This show is hysterical!! 

The story is about Jimmy.  A sweet 20-something that lives with his parents and works for his dad’s landscaping company.  His family is white trash and I love it!  One night on a trip out for ice cream, Jimmy meets a lovely young lady, yada yada yada, and she’s pregnant.  Come to find out, she’s a serial killer.  She gets caught, goes to prison and is executed.  Jimmy gets the baby, Princess Beyonce.

With the help of his mom (played by Martha Plimpton), dad (don’t know who he is) and senile MaMaw (played by Cloris Leachman), the entire family raises the baby, whose name was changed to Hope.

I belly laugh at least once a minute while watching this show, and Scott even LOLs at it too.  Go back and watch the old episodes on Hulu, and add this one to your list of favorite shows!


Better With You (7:30 on ABC).  Very funny show.  Very well done.  It’s a keeper.  The story is about two sisters and their parents.  The younger sister, Mia, is recently engaged after only a few weeks of dating.  The older sister has been with her boyfriend for nine years.  The parents have been together for more than 30 years.  The show takes us through the differences in relationships when they’re at different stages.  Add it.  You’ll LOL.

The Whole Truth (9 p.m. on ABC).  Like Dr. Weaver, I really wanted Dr. Abbie Lockhart to return to my television set.  Alas, that is not going to happen.  Although interesting, this show just didn’t resonate with me.  It’s very similar to Law & Order.  Plus, I already have one lawyer show in my life (The Good Wife) and there just isn’t room for another.
My Generation—CANCELLED.  We were actually getting into the show, but ABC killed that idea for us.
Blue Bloods (9 p.m. on CBS).  I like the show a lot.  I don’t love it yet.  However, Tom Selleck and Donny Wahlberg give plenty of reasons to love it.  It’s a nice show about a New York, Catholic family whose family business is law enforcement.  It has a good crime/detective story each week, and there is also a mysterious twist.  For now it stays, but there are four episodes in the DVR collecting dust. 
Farewell, Event, Chase, The Whole Truth and My Generation.  You made a nice effort.  And best wishes to Mike & Molly.  I’m rootin’ for ya, but you need to step it up!