A long time ago, 10 years to be exact, in a state far, far away, Indiana if you're curious, I worked for AgDay Television. I loved that job! I got to travel and cover agricultural news from coast to coast...but I never went to the east coast, so coast to coast is not really an accurate statement...more like Midwest to west coast. Anyway...
When I worked there, I was dating the man that would eventually become my husband. He lived in Lubbock, I missed him, I wanted to be closer to my family, so I eventually decided to move.
When I started grad school in 2006, AgDay called wanting some freelance reports from God's country. Anxious to practice what I teach (video production), I happily agreed to send them one story a month. In reality, it's one story every two months, but who's counting? (Probably the head honchos at AgDay.)
Last month, I did a story in Tulia, Texas on wheat harvest. Prices are terribly low this year, due to an oversupply of wheat in the world. As down as the farmers were on prices, I still couldn't help but get a lift to my spirit by the beauty of it all. I just love the colors during harvest. The blues, golds and greens are always so pretty. I took this picture with my iPhone and it didn't do the colors justice, but it's still nice to look at.

Without further adieu, here is the story, as reported by Erica Goss--that's my showbiz name.. Special thanks to Tommy Womack of Tulia and Jay Yates of Shallowater for allowing me to interview them for this. And a huge thanks to the fabulous Scott Irlbeck...the handsome young devil that charmed me away from AgDay. He shot the video for this and did a marvelous job.
I saw your name was still on their list. Now I know why. One of SUNUP's old interns and current SUNUP host, Clintin Griffiths, is headed to AgDay to be their new host.